Hi, My Name is Bobo.: (A Weekend in the Life of a 5th Grader) by James Gordon

Hi, My Name is Bobo.: (A Weekend in the Life of a 5th Grader) by James Gordon

4 Stars

Playing on a universal nostalgia is the strength of this book to draw you in and delight in childhood memories. Though the audience is young children, it can easily resonate with adults with a childlike heart. Reading like a diary of a young boy, the style, font and more importantly language capture the necessary feel.

Children often find delight in simple things and these moment are displayed repeatedly. Cartoons, food and girls are the plaything for the young boy’s mind. The gentle charm of each scenario described without complexity have that hypnotic feel that is hard describe in terms of its pull to the reader. Having the full adult learning experience my questioning would be loss on the intended young audience.

Therefore to enjoy the feel of the family home and child perspective over a simple weekend, I recommend paying a visit to this world.


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